How will you Dumpster Dive?
It is almost that time of the year again for our annual Dumpster Dive Event at the New Orleans Home and Garden Show. Every year Benjamin and I are so excited to meet and inspire so many people to think differently and tap into their creative juices to build their own work of Art.

Each year this event has gotten bigger and bigger and we have had a few repeat divers, which we look forward to seeing each year. Last year, our Friday group wiped out the dumpster, lol!! It was organized chaos and we enjoyed every minute.
This year we will be doing things a little differently. We have a few different type of "themed" workshops you can participate in. Check out the schedule below and if you know you will be attending send me an email. We would love to get an idea of what theme may be the most popular and how many of you will be joining us this year!!
Purchase your tickets early and save $5
Dumpster Dive Themes:
Free Style Dumpster Dive- Come and dive through our dumpster. You’ll find all sorts of salvaged goodies. You will have 1 hour to get creative and build your own work of Art!!
Dumpster Dive Art Competition- You have 1 full hour to pick your supplies, design your creation and start building your unique piece of art!! All participants art work will be viewed and voted on by our judges and the Winner will win a prize!!
Dumpster Dive Birthday Party- Come and get a taste of how you could celebrate your birthday with a Dumpster Dive Birthday Party!
Dumpster Dive Flip Flop Switch- Participants will have a pre-selected pile of goodies to start working on an art piece and every 15 minutes they will switch with the next participant to create a piece of art. This workshop will take 1 hour. Each participant will leave with an art piece created different participants.
**All participants will need a parental guardian to assist them as needed in creating their art piece. Space is limited to 10 participants at one time. There will be aprons, safety glasses, gloves and ear plugs available for use. We also encourage you to wear closed toe shoes if you plan to participate at the workshop. ****
